🔨Moderator Appropriate Actions
Moderators can use this page to help moderate according to Freshly Shopping standards. Last updated: 05/01/2024 by Cuba
Roblox Moderation
Bullying or Harassment:
Warning, followed by a temporary mute.
Server-only ban if the behaviour persists.
Hacking or Exploiting:
Immediate Permanent ban if hacking or exploiting is confirmed with evidence.
Wearing Inappropriate Content:
The immediate request for the removal of content.
Warning, followed by a temporary mute.
Server-only ban if the behaviour continues.
Discrimination or Hate Speech:
Warning and reminder about respecting others.
Temporary mute.
Server-only ban if the behaviour persists.
Exploiting Game Bugs:
Warning and explanation of the issue.
Reset and kick players if they attempt to exploit the issue a second time.
Server-only ban if the exploitation persists.
Inappropriate Usernames or Avatars:
Warning and request to change the username or avatar.
Reset when the player has removed the inappropriate content.
Server-only ban if inappropriate content is not addressed.
Disruptive Behavior in Chat or Voice Chat:
Warning and reminder about chat etiquette.
Temporary mute.
Kick from the server with a second reminder about chat etiquette.
Server-only ban if the behaviour persists.
Impersonation of Roblox Staff:
Immediate server-only ban for impersonation.
Report to Roblox moderation team.
Toxicity or Excessive Negative Attitude:
Warning and reminder about maintaining a positive environment.
Temporary mute.
Kick the player notifying them it's their last warning.
Server-only ban if the toxic behaviour continues.
Sharing Personal Information:
Immediate warning and reminder about privacy and safety.
Report to Roblox moderation team.
Exploiting or Circulating Cheating Tools:
Immediate server-only ban for distributing or using cheating tools if found evidence.
Report to Roblox moderation team.
Sharing Inappropriate or Leaked Content:
Immediate server-only ban for sharing explicit or prohibited content.
Report to Roblox moderation team.
Disrupting Official Events or Tournaments:
Warning and reminder about event etiquette.
A temporary or permanent ban from participating in events.
Server-only ban if the behaviour persists.
Exploiting or Circulating Game-Related Exploits:
Warning and reminder about responsible reporting of exploits.
Temporary suspension pending investigation.
Server-only ban if the behaviour continues.
Violating Roblox Terms of Service:
Immediate report to Roblox moderation team.
Discord Moderation
Not following this guide will result in a staff strike if you're part of the senior management team.
All Dyno bans are appealable here: https://dyno.gg/form/7af18455
Rudeness to management: Verbal warning, Dyno warning each time AFTER A VERBAL WARNING when it occurs.
Harassment of other members within the server: Dyno warning each time when it occurs.
Persistent Spamming Nuisance: 1-hour timeout, kick, then server ban if the member continues.
Sharing explicit images or videos: 1-day timeout, 5-day temp ban, permanent ban.
Participating in explicit, inappropriate or NSFW text chats: Verbal warning, Dyno warning each time AFTER A VERBAL WARNING when it occurs.
Discrimination based on race, gender, or religion: Dyno warning each time when it occurs.
Impersonation of staff: 1-week time out, Dyno warning each time when it occurs.
Intentional disruption of server activities: Dyno warning each time when it occurs. May also result in other sanctions under executive management's discretion, depending on severity.
Threatening or encouraging harm to others: Verbal warning, Dyno warning each time AFTER A VERBAL WARNING when it occurs.
Trolling or intentionally provoking others: Verbal warning, Dyno warning each time AFTER A VERBAL WARNING when it occurs.
Advertising other Discord servers or websites without permission: Verbal warning, ban if the user continues.
Sharing personal information of others without consent: Immediate server ban.
Posting or sharing links to malicious or harmful content: Immediate server ban.
Engaging in or promoting illegal activities: Immediate server ban.
Excessive use of vulgar or offensive language: Verbal Warning, Second verbal warning, Dyno warning each time AFTER A VERBAL WARNING when it occurs.
Disrespect towards other members: Verbal Warning, Second verbal warning, Dyno warning each time AFTER A VERBAL WARNING when it occurs. Please note we allow friendly "banter."
Engaging in unauthorized server modifications: Notify the Internal Affairs department immediately and the highest rank online to remove users' permissions.
Ignoring server warnings or instructions: Verbal Warning, Second verbal warning, Dyno warning each time AFTER A VERBAL WARNING when it occurs. May also result in other sanctions under executive management's discretion, depending on severity.
Disrupting voice channels with excessive noise or spam: Verbal Warning, Second verbal warning, Dyno warning each time AFTER A VERBAL WARNING when it occurs.
Engaging in toxic or aggressive behaviour: Verbal Warning, Second verbal warning, Dyno warning each time AFTER A VERBAL WARNING when it occurs. May also result in other sanctions under executive management's discretion, depending on severity.
Under 13 within the Discord server, with evidence: Immediate server ban until the user turns 13. Report member to Discord.
Constantly arguing or creating unnecessary drama: Verbal Warning, Second verbal warning, Dyno warning each time AFTER A VERBAL WARNING when it occurs. May also result in other sanctions under executive management's discretion, depending on severity.
Last updated