🚨Server Rules
Profanity is allowed, but it must be kept to a minimum and not too intensive or your message will be auto-deleted by our bot.
Please do not bypass profanity/rudeness to others by using other languages.
Advertising in public channels or in our members’ DMs is not allowed, and anyone who is caught doing such actions will be punished severely.
Any discrimination (some noted examples are bullying, racism, homophobic, bi-phobic, and transphobic behavior) actions are prohibited and are not tolerated.
Spamming of similar and/or the same messages is prohibited within the server, if you are found doing so the bot will warn you, and repeated offenders will have action taken.
Disobeying Orders
Disobeying orders from a staff member unless deemed abusive will potentially end in disciplinary actions. If the order is abusive, be sure to report it immediately by messaging our executive management and do not do the order.
NSFW Material
Posting NSFW material such as pornography is strictly prohibited and will result in a ban.
Excessive Pings
Do not excessively ping anyone as it will result in a mute. Please just go to the user's DMs instead if you need something urgent.
Designated Channels
Use channels as they should be, do not be posting/saying things where they should not be. Such as putting bot commands outside of the designated channel.
Suspicious Links
Posting suspicious/dangerous links will result in questioning about the user’s actions and if deemed dangerous then it will result in further actions.
Discussions and Debates
Discussions/debates are allowed, but once it escalates to arguing, the users who took part will be subject to consequences. Users who witness arguments must report it to a moderator straight away, preferably senior management, as users who did not report it at the time but were present could receive a punishment depending on the situation.
Gossiping and/or talking bad about any user will lead to an investigation and a punishment according to the situation. All users should feel safe and welcome on the server.
Leaking anyone’s personal and/or private information will result in a harsh response which could include the user in question being reported to appropriate authorities (first names only allowed). Everyone’s privacy must be respected. However, the user can choose to share their personal info but only outside of this server (e.g. in DMs) at their own risk.
Obnoxious Sounds
Playing/making obnoxious/loud sounds using a bot or a microphone or anything inappropriate in the voice/music channels is not allowed. However, songs with mild profanity (use judgment) can be played in explicit music channels. However, that is not an invitation to start playing harshly inappropriate songs.
Minimum Age
Be advised that according to Discord's ToS, members must be at least 13 years of age to validly hold an account. Furthermore, users between 13 years of age, and the age of majority in their jurisdiction need consent from their legal guardian to participate. https://discordapp.com/terms
If you need help, please do not DM or ping one of our staff, please use the support ticket feature in support as this makes sure that both you and our staff are protected.
Inappropriate Reactions
Do not do inappropriate reactions to messages, especially bypassing swearing. This can result in a warning.
Last updated